Discover Altered Bible Verses Deceptive Changes in the Bible – Part 1


They manipulate the Bible, taking advantage of our ignorance.

Generally, we don’t seek to discover altered Bible verses or deceptive changes in the Scripture when purchasing a Bible. Christians, accustomed to taking God’s blessings for granted, tend not to scrutinise the accuracy of the Bible verses they read daily. Unfortunately, Christians worldwide often choose to remain silent about manipulated Bible verses, even when the misinformation is evident to them, particularly those listed below.

  • Bible wholesalers
  • Church leaders
  • and Christian bookstores

Steadily, the enemies of God and His children actively continue to misinterpret every Bible translation, including the online versions on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex.

Discover Altered Bible Verses
For The Word of God is spirit and life.

Sincerely, I am not a clergyman. But there is someone who loves God, and He loves me too. I love God’s word and bought a Bible from a Christian bookstore on August 7, 2023. Unaware of the fact that I ought to discover altered Bible verses that they regularly distort. I didn’t check the inside as many Christians do.

Nevertheless, while trying to spend some quiet time with the Lord that evening, I dozed off and woke up at 5 or 6 AM the next day.

Then, I took the Bible and said, “Father, I’m reading this Bible for the first time. Please show me something that will exalt your name in Jesus’ name.

At random, I opened 1 Chronicles 9. Immediately. I realised it was only a list of names. I then questioned why God had led me to the chapter that only contained names.

Dialogue with the Lord to discover altered Bible verses in your Bible.

Conversely, the Spirit told me to keep reading. Suddenly, the word “Meribaal” (Baal in other translations, 1 Chronicles 9:36) caught my attention, and I questioned, “What name is such there?”

A few lines ahead, I saw names au fait with Kish, Saul, and Jonathan until I got to 1 Chronicles 9:40: “The son of Jonathan was Meri-Baal.” When a neonate could identify Jonathan’s son as Mephibosheth, I became alarmed. Meribaal, Micah’s father, even wrote some verses to add to the confusion. They know that Christians have detected their deception.

Discover Altered Bible Verses Wow! I cried. Therefore, because of that awful name, Baal, He directed me to the chapter. Oh, I need to know that the Bible is under attack from Satanic agents. Why didn’t I discover altered Bible verses or deceptive changes in the Bible before purchasing it?

Then I felt annoyed, furious, and disappointed, but I didn’t know what to do. I was contemplating why such a cute angel girl sold me a satanic bible.

If you are unfamiliar with Baal, go to 1 Kings 18 to learn how Elijah defeated and humiliated these demons and their priests.

Then, I questioned my father, “Father, what do I do now?” I was perplexed. “Return it, but don’t quarrel with them,” he told me. I added, “Father, when I get there, I must talk.” He replied, “Say anything you like, but do not make any trouble.” Accordingly, without wasting time, I then got ready and went to the bookstore.

Indeed, seek out verses in the Bible that undergo regular and meticulous changes. Always check the Bible you purchase to identify verses that are under threat. The threat is ongoing and continuous; they do not want to relent. Christians, be vigilant.

Discover altered Bible verses is a must; the plot is actual.

When I returned the Bible, the bookseller looked perplexed. She pointed at a sign that said “No Refund” when I asked for a refund from her.”, I remarked as I walked away. “Okay, but don’t sell it to anyone else; if you do, your store will close in three months.

Later, surprisingly, I found the word Meri-Baal in 1 Chronicles 9:40 in every Bible version at another store. I then asked the store owners to find Bible verses in the Bible they had perfidiously changed.

  1. Question: What’s the name of Jonathan’s son?

Reply: “I don’t know,” and his wife added, “Mephibosheth.”

  1. My question is, “Why is Meri-Baal in the Bible verse?”
  2. Wife question: Huby: Is Meri-Baal written there instead of Mephibosheth?

Husband: Yes, and his wife added that even if Baal is the new name, “it does not matter.”

Immediately, I understood why the Lord told me not to quarrel with them. They sell Bibles, but practically speaking, they don’t know what’s inside. For your spiritual benefit, always do your best to discover altered Bible verses or deceptive changes in the Bible that they have deliberately distorted to mislead Christians.

Categorically, purposefully misinterpreting the Bible is evil and will lead to hellfire. The holy book shapes our Christian faith. And perpetrating evil against it is equivalent to crucifying Christ a second time, which is immoral before God and man. Therefore, we will not accept it!

Discover Altered Bible Verses We are all aware that the Satanists are attacking the Bible, but in Jesus’ name, we will do our best to defend the Sacred Book accordingly. And must discover altered Bible verses or deceptive changes in the Bible done consistently.

Jesus is the word of God. As a result, be aware of and reject manipulated Bible verses that mislead believers. Safeguard the truth and protect your faith. It is your duty and right not to purchase such Bibles that are currently available in stores.

It means that all the Bibles in all stores globally and online presently, no matter the version, need us to discover altered Bible verses or deceptive changes in the Bible before procuring them or even accepting them as gifts.

Kindly provide your feedback. I highly value your input.


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