Growing by Faith Extending Your Faith to Others


I am continuing this series on faith. I talked about the origin of faith and asked you if you are an extravagant believer in the last article. Today, I will discuss faith in relationships with others.

We often talk about faith. It is good for us to remember that “without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6) . Furthermore, we know that we receive all that God has for us through faith ( Hebrews 6:12 ). Our Father is pleased to bless us with His presence and He provides for our needs. But that is not all there is to faith.

A concept to always remember

First, we must always remember the origin of faith the Word of God. Regular, daily reading of the Bible allows us to draw closer to God and know Him better. God Himself declares:

You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

The call continues to ring out

Let us know, let us seek to know the LORD; his coming is as sure as the morning. He will come to us like the rain, like the latter rain that waters the earth. Hosea 6:3

So as we read the Bible, we will walk with God, knowing Him and understanding His plans. Thus, we will begin to feel His heartbeat and His purpose will grow in us. The purpose of God’s heart is not just for us to have a blessed life. His purpose includes eternity and all that it entails: living with God.

So you have to ask yourself who will be in heaven. You will be there, of course, because you walk with God, you know him, you love him, and you believe in him despite everything. But what about your neighbors? Do they know him?

Extend your faith to others

In our daily lives, we encounter many people who have never heard the gospel. They may have heard colorful stories that have turned them away, but some have never heard the very simple truth that Jesus loves us. So let’s extend our faith.

You see, the result of our faith is the sharing of our faith. As you learn more about God, you want to make Him known to others. It’s like good news that you can’t keep to yourself.

It is often unfortunate to seek God for what He offers us now when in fact whatever blessings you have physically or financially are destined to disappear. A certain level of well-being does not mean that you have faith at all. The ultimate reward of faith is not material goods but eternal life (Hebrews 11:13-14). When we understand it like this, then, we think about extending our faith to others despite our current circumstances which may be difficult.

How to extend your faith to others?

I want to challenge you to do something. Buy a prayer journal or use the free “ Kingdom Forerunner ” journal at the library. It is perfect for this exercise. You can write down a list of people who come to mind who are not walking with God: family members, neighbors, co-workers (yes, even that means that), and friends.

Then pray over this list every day that these people will have their eyes opened to the truth. Ask God to show you if there is something you need to tell them.

Do you need to talk about your relationship with your Savior? How do you do it? Ask God to guide you in this step of faith. Every situation is different, so you need to listen carefully to God’s direction.

Some have been hurt by those who claim to be Christians. Perhaps legalism has crushed or frightened them. Perhaps the hypocrisy of leaders has disillusioned them. And of course, many lies have been perpetrated to confuse and discourage those who might seek the true God.

One thing is for sure: these people don’t have the faith they need to walk with God. They don’t have faith that their prayers will be answered. They certainly don’t know that God loves them and has a good plan for them. So that’s where you come in. These people need your faith. They need your prayers. While you can’t save yourself from their sin, Jesus did for them as He did for you. Now you extend His ministry by doing for others what they can’t do for themselves. By praying for them.

Intercessory prayer is an extremely effective tool

Your prayer for those who cannot pray for themselves, asking God to show mercy to those around you is called intercessory prayer. Never pray only for yourself without including others and their eternal life. Ask God to open your eyes to this ministry of intercession. He wants His grace to be available to all. When those around you do not know how to pray for themselves, your prayers on their behalf are crucial.

For further

After you pray, you may need to encourage those you prayed for. Talk to them about God’s love for them as individuals. Answer questions, pray with them, and be the ambassador from heaven you were called to be.

There are so many people in our society today who want to know the truth but have never heard it credibly. You can be the person they need. They need your word, your prayers, and your faith. Will you be the one who represents your Lord on earth? That is the greatest purpose of your faith.


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