What should I do after praying


In the last two articles, I discussed the simplicity of prayer, its benefits, and tips for praying even when you feel unable to do so. In this final article in this new series on prayer, I look at an aspect of prayer that is most often overlooked when trying to answer the question: What should I do after I pray? Are you ready? Let’s do it.

What should I do after praying?

Prayer is such a normal part of everyday life that most of us as believers do it. It is part of our routine of worship. When faced with the perplexities of life, we turn to prayer. People pray for guidance and wisdom in life. Mothers pray for their children and families. Prayer is present in almost every area of ​​the believer’s life.

Moreover, in some social celebrations, prayer is also present. People pray at weddings, funerals, festivals, etc. We pray at the birth and death of someone.

But the fundamental question to ask yourself is: What do you do after you pray for something? Do you sit back and wait? Do you do something else with the prayer? Do you continue with your life as usual? Do you keep praying over and over again until the answer comes?

There don’t seem to be any specific instructions about what happens right after we pray. I mean, everyone knows that we have to end our prayers at some point. We have to get back to our regular activities. But the few moments after prayer can be important in this conversation with God.

For some of us, I would say that we get ahead of God after we pray or at least set a specific time for our request to be answered. For example, we pray and expect immediate results or answers. When the answer doesn’t come at the right time, we tell ourselves that we don’t have enough faith or we simply take matters into our own hands by doing what we think is appropriate, which sometimes ruins the situation.

Other times, some believers simply become frustrated with prayer or with God. So they stop believing in God’s omnipotence and their expectation of God is diminished. Disappointment sets in and discouragement begins to dominate their hearts.

I offer you four key actions to take after you pray about something. Keep these things in mind so that disappointment, discouragement, or disbelief do not settle in your heart.

Stay tuned to God

Listening after praying is as much a part of prayer as praying or talking. Many people begin their prayer time and just talk to God. They pour out their hearts and minds and cry and release many words and emotions, but they never really stop and listen to God. What do I mean by that?

Prayer is done in two steps. First, you pray, and you talk to God. Then, you wait and you listen. How? By reading the Word of God, and by meditating. So your prayer times should not be spent only in singing and quickly reading a psalm, but by giving yourself time to meditate on the Word of God. I assure you that by doing this, you will teach your spirit to listen to God, and he will speak to you.

We understand he lives in a terrible situation. The glory of God’s people is banished, and injustice seems to triumph. So, he cries out to God. As we continue our reading, we see that God answers his complaints. But, he is not entirely satisfied with the answer. So he continues to ask him questions. And in chapter 2, Habakkuk tells us:

So, during the first part of his prayer conversation, God answered right away. I can’t tell you whether he heard the distinct voice of God, or how he knew it, but God answered. However, when the questions got serious, there was silence. God said nothing.

Instead of getting discouraged, throwing in the towel, or losing confidence, Habakkuk tells us that he was watching. He was waiting for what God would say to him. Wow! It should be the same for us. Don’t be in a hurry to get back to your activities after your prayer time without waiting for a word from God. Wait for God to speak. This is an important part of prayer.

I know you are very busy. You are probably wondering how long you would have to wait. Two minutes? 15 minutes? A day? Don’t take this waiting literally. After you pray, meditate on a Bible passage. Pay attention to any new insights. Use a prayer journal to meditate and write down your requests. Then go about your activities but with this conversation you just had with God in mind. Perhaps this is why Paul tells us to pray without ceasing. Always listening to God.

Remember that one of the special things about prayer is that the God we pray to is alive and eager to answer us. It is never a one-way conversation.

Praise God

The 2nd key action to take is to express your gratitude to God. After you pray, spend time thanking God for what you know He will do. Thank Him for answering your prayer the way He wants. Thank Him for being your Father. Give Him your sincerest praise for the answer you know is coming. Let your faith soar with thanksgiving because God is our compassionate Father, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. He will not let you down.


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