The Importance of Quiet Time with God and 5 Goals


Begin cultivating a close and personal relationship with Jesus.

No matter how busy your schedule is, you come to terms with and know the importance of quiet time with God, which can change your day and life. Indeed, when we think of quiet time with the Lord, we often think it is right to be at a table, with our Bibles and a devotional book, for an hour at a time.

While this may work for many people, quiet time with God can be as simple as reading your Bible App for 10 minutes before getting out of your car to head to work or spending time before you head to bed thanking God for the blessings you have had during the day. The Bible mentions spending time with God and praying, but many people often wonder why.

Make encounters with the Lord a part of your daily schedule

The Importance of Quiet
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your unseen Father. Matthew 6:6a

There are many benefits to keeping quiet time with God. It can help us grow closer spiritually to Christ and help us live a life for Christ. Here are five essential reasons for keeping daily quiet time with the Lord in your daily schedule. Therefore, be encouraged to keep daily quiet time with Christ.

  1. Grow Your Relationship with Christ

When we spend quiet time with God, we grow a relationship with Him. God wants a personal connection with you. He wants you to come to him in the good times and hard times. He wants to know you and have you know Him also. When you spend time in prayer with Him, it not only gives you a chance to talk to him, but it also gives you a chance to hear from God.

  1. To Lean on God During Difficult Times

We all experience trials and tribulations in life. Turning to God during the hard times becomes easier when we spend quiet time with him daily. It keeps our minds focused on Him, and we can go to Him when we are challenged or don’t know what to do.

  1. Help Your Mind Become Christ-Focused

That daily time we spend with God can truly change how we think and focus in our lives. Daily prayer and quiet time with the Lord can help keep him at the forefront of our minds. Reading the scripture daily helps us keep God’s word fresh in our minds and hearts. “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” Deuteronomy 11:18.

Jesus wants you to know the importance of quiet time with God.

  1. Give You a Chance to Hear from God
Keeping Daily Quiet Time
It helps us connect to Jesus.

When we read God’s word, He speaks to us. The Bible often tells us to be still if we want to hear from Him. We may not listen to a voice in our ears, but God does speak to us if we are quiet and listen. God can answer us through scripture, nature, other believers, and even life situations. If you are busy and not paying attention to the Lord, it can be easy to miss what He is trying to tell you.

  1. A Chance to Worship the Lord

Keeping quiet time with the Lord in your daily schedule helps you praise God daily. We go to God with what we need and with thankfulness for all He has given. God has given us much: His only son, grace, and daily blessings. Even through challenging times, we can spend time praising God and giving him gratitude for all He has given us.

We all have the same 24 hours in the day and can decide what to do with that time. We often choose what our daily schedule looks like. I challenge you to have a plan for keeping quiet time with the Lord daily and prioritise it in your daily schedule. Get excited to live for Christ and see how He moves in your life.

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