Pentecostal tithe and offering are 2 controversial.


Pentecostal ministers run private enterprise churches.

As far as we know, Pentecostal ministers run their churches with tithes simply because they consider them private property. They know God’s tithes are sacred, but they shouldn’t abuse them. That is why there are always controversial Pentecostal tithes and offerings in the church tradition.

Pentecostal tithe

They practically turn the tithe collection into a business venture to enrich themselves. However, they understand the law of nature – Only give freely in general if it’s for propaganda purposes.

Nevertheless, while you regularly gift them your 10% widow’s mite that the honey-tongued pastors ask you to bring. To receive God’s blessings and get wealthy.

After each service, they carry your tithes in bullion vans to the banks. They claim to be good Samaritans and showcase their success as models from God to Copy, while the inverse is true.

I made the same mistake for years. Do not be deceived, God’s children. Tithes are serious and sacred to God. Therefore, there shouldn’t be reasons for any abuse by Pentecostal ministers and the controversial Pentecostal tithes and offerings.

Now, read your Bible thoroughly! And never do anything that is not in the Bible. According to the Bible,

“One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth, and one who gives gifts to the rich—both come to poverty (Proverbs 22:16).” So why do you cherish your poverty by paying your pastor tithes?

Controversial over Pentecostal tithes and offerings.

No wonder you remain poor when the Bible forbids you from giving to the affluent.

  1. Did you hear that? I didn’t write that.
  2. Paying tithes is a waste of your hard-earned money.

Because you attend church and pay your tithes, you are content you gave your widow’s mites. But is that true? God is, I AM WHO I AM. He is the truth and wants you to know it.

You need to be corrected!

  1. The widow’s mite isn’t tithing.
  2. It is a giving offering.

Presenting an offering is required and improper. God asks everyone to do it to make atonement for our lives. Therefore, God will not enrich you because you tithe when you know the truth about Pentecostal Ministers and the controversial Pentecostal tithes and offerings. He will only favour you if you obey His commands about providing.

Remember that church goes to nobody; human beings go to church. Therefore, offer the following:

  • Church
  • the poor
  • orphans
  • fatherless
  • And widows.

He’s a God of principle. He will eventually cause men to give into your laps. Tithe no more; start doing it right. Otherwise, you will be like the young boy who could not distinguish between honour and respect for his parents.

The Lord says, “Honour your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” He does not ask you to accept everything the pastors say.

Parents can intentionally mislead or endanger your life, mainly if they are involved in witchcraft.

If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

Even so, God still wants you to honour them. This requires wisdom. Knowing what to do so that heaven will reckon you obeyed God is the key.

  1. Allow them to name your newborn.
  2. Take good care of them in old age
  3. No matter what, bury them properly

That is why we must develop the ability to discriminate between good and evil. It demands an understanding heart. Therefore, seek the Holy Spirit if you need wisdom; He will grant you.

However, it requires wisdom not to hyper further the gimmicks of some Pentecostal Ministers and fall cheap for the controversial Pentecostal tithes and offerings.

Pentecostal titheWill a mere mortal rob God, ask the Lord? How? The Lord responds:

  • “In offerings and tithes.

Test me in this:

  • And see if I won’t open the floodgates of heaven.
  • And pour out so many blessings
  • that there will not be room enough to store it.

God was not speaking to Christians but to Israelites of a different sect currently known as Judaism. Therefore, have no fear. We all know many charlatans use the passage to cajole churchgoers. God did not create you with the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind

To obey our Lord, one can pay tithes in various ways through offering. You can donate them to churches and non-profit associations. So, remember that you can help stop the many Pentecostal Ministers and the controversial Pentecostal tithes and offerings they are causing if you cease tithing.


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