44 Powerful Prayers for God’s Blessings and Favour.


Attract divine blessings and favour.

“Now it shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God. To observe all His commandments, which I command you today. As you pray, the Lord your God will set you above all nations of the earth. These prayers for God’s Blessings and favour shall secure my divine comprehensive insurance.

Prayers for God'sLord, you load me daily with benefits. I rejoice in thee. God chose me and has given me great blessings. I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ.

Indeed, He blessed my seed. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. God supplies all my needs through Christ.

Not only that, let me inherit the land. I am part of a Holy nation, and I am blessed. I am dead with Christ. And I have risen with Christ. I am calling the Lord in prayers for God’s protection.

Christ has my life in God. Christ is my life and the Lord of my life. I have Christ’s mind. Lord, bless my latter end more than my beginning.

I am a partaker of Christ. Christ preserves me. As usual, Lord, let Your presence bless my life. Thanks to these prayers for God’s blessings and favour, I drink the cup of blessing forever.

Also, let Your showers of blessing be upon my children and my life. Christ in me is the hope of glory. I am complete in Christ. It’s not by work of righteousness but by the grace of Christ.

I have liberty in Christ. And turn every curse sent my way into a blessing. I declare my crucifixion with Christ. At the same time, let prayers for God’s blessing make me rich.

Command Your blessings upon me.

I have put on Christ. I am an heir of God through Christ. Let all nations call me a blessing. I have all blessings, including spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ.

Christ chose me before the foundation of the world, and I should be holy and without blame before Him. Indeed, let all generations call me a blessing. For I have obtained an inheritance in Christ

Jesu Christ, increase my speed. Moreover, I live in the Kingdom of the blessings. Indeed, God forgives me of my sins, and I am a blessing.

Lord, in blessing, bless me. And in multiplying, multiply me as the stars of heaven and the sand of the seashore. Furthermore, Lord, bless me and keep me.

What’s more, make Your face shine upon me, and be gracious unto me. Lord, lift Your countenance upon me and give me peace. I am sitting in heavenly places in Christ.

Christ created me for His good works. Moreover, Lord, make me like Ephraim and Manasseh. Let me be satisfied with Your favour and filled with Your Holy Spirit. I raise my voice in prayers for God’s kindness.

Lord, command Your blessing upon my life and my children’s lives. Father, give me revelations and let me be blessed. I am the seed of Abraham through Christ, and I receive the blessing of Abraham.

Prayers for God’s blessings and favour, Lord, secure me.

Lord chose me as You make these prayers a memorial for God’s Blessings and favour, in Jesus’ name. Also, Oh God chose me to put the wise to shame.

In the same way, God chose me to put the strong to shame. God chose me from low to zero, which seems essential so nobody can boast before You.

Prayers for God'sForever, I am in Christ Jesus, my all in all. For I am the son of the blessed Almighty. I have boldness and access to Christ. I will boast in the Lord Jesus for eternity. Jehovah Repairs the Temple of my life.

Oh Lord, lead me to do what is right in Your sight and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. No evil shall befall me up to rapture, nor shall any plague come near dwelling, In Jesus’ Name.

And all these blessings shall come upon me, pursue and overtake me because I obey the voice of the Lord my God. I pray to the Lord in these prayers for God’s Blessings and favour, in Jesus’ name. Father, let Your blessing make me rich, and May Your presence overshadow my life.


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