The extraordinary prayer of the Psalter of Jesus and Mary


There can be no spiritual progress, nor true faith, without the support of prayer.

The invitation to pray is constantly repeated to us by the Sacred Scriptures and by Jesus himself, who asks us to pray always, incessantly, without tiring.

It is, therefore, a very serious mistake to think that prayer is superfluous “because God already knows what I need”.

The benefits that come to us from prayer are innumerable, the gifts that it produces are inestimable. Without prayer, we cannot be spiritual people.

All about prayer

There are various questions we could ask ourselves, regarding prayer. Why pray? How to pray? How much to pray? Which prayers? Are there prayers that are more effective than others?

Of course, we must remember that what makes prayer truly effective and fruitful is first and foremost our faith. Prayers are not magic formulas; instead, they are the means that the Lord has given us to get closer to Him, to receive His inspiration, to know Him, and to love Him. Prayer is also the instrument that is given to us to raise our requests to God and to ask for help.

For those who wish to have or rediscover a life of prayer and want to delve deeper into this topic, we recommend visiting the site of the Invisible Monastery of Charity and Brotherhood, certainly one of the most complete and informative portals on the topic.

The most powerful prayer

While it is true, as we have already mentioned, that prayer is not a magic formula that necessarily guarantees the desired result, it is also true that some prayers have been enriched, by God’s will, with particular promises or privileges for those who recite them (with faith!).

This is not contradictory to what was observed above, because it is God himself, in person or through his saints, who has granted these promises.

The Psalter of Jesus and Mary

A particularly powerful prayer, enriched by Jesus with many fruits of inestimable value, is that of the Psalter (Rosary) of Jesus and Mary, revealed by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Rupe.

The characteristics of this extraordinary prayer have recently been brought to light by Father Giorgio Maria Farè, who has dedicated a very interesting cycle of meditations to the Psalter of Jesus and Mary.

The Psalter of Jesus and Mary consists of reciting what we commonly call three “rosaries”, meditating on the joyful, glorious, and sorrowful mysteries.

In essence, therefore, the Psalter is composed of 150 Hail Marys and 15 Our Fathers, to be recited using the Rosary beads, resulting in the recitation of three Rosaries (not necessarily consecutive, as the prayer can be divided into different moments of the day).

To some, this prayer may seem too long, but let’s not forget:

  • Jesus invites us to pray incessantly!
  • To recite three Rosaries (therefore the Psalter) it takes more or less an hour – an hour and a half: considering that a day is made up of 24 hours and assuming about 16 hours in which we are awake, an hour and a half to dedicate to God is very little compared to all the time we have available. Let’s not forget that this hour of prayer does not have to be all together, but can be divided into various moments of the day, for example, a rosary (50 Hail Marys) in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. It’s not that much!

What are the benefits?

They are truly innumerable and of inestimable value, and among them, we cannot fail to mention Mary’s moving promise to those who recite the Psalter:

She promises that, spiritually and invisibly, she will hang around the neck of those who devoutly recite her Psalter, placing on them, a Chain braided with Virgin Hair, on which are attached one hundred and fifty precious stones, and, interspersed with others, fifteen, according to the number of her Psalter.

It is such a sublime fact that Father Giorgio comments “This is more than a good reason to recite it every day: the Virgin Mary puts around the neck, invisibly and spiritually, this Chain woven with her virginal hair with the one hundred and fifty precious stones (the 150 Hail Marys) and the fifteen Pater Noster to those who recite the Psalter of Jesus and Mary every day!


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