I confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord’s 24/7 jubilant.


My life is in the blood of Jesus.

I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that a righteous person’s prayer is powerful. In 1 John 1:9, he tells us he is faithful if we confess our sins. So, He will forgive and purify us of all unrighteousness.

Father, let the transformative power of confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and experiencing the faithfulness of God in forgiving be my portion.

Moreover, it is all we need to experience His presence in all the days of our lives, like Moses and Caleb. Consequentially, wealth and riches rest in my house, and my righteousness endures forever.

I confess that Jesus I bind and rebuke every spirit that creeps against me at night, as I bind and rebuke the pestilence that walks in darkness. I curse every power of the night, keeping themselves awake for my sake—not to see the daybreak but to die.

I bind any attack upon my life at night because of my body. Is the temple of the Holy Ghost, for I bear the marks of Christ on my body. I curse to death any power of the night. That comes to defile my body, even with a scratch. On the throne, I confess that Jesus is.

I bind and condemn every tongue that had or will ever curse me to rotten and die. Let every poisonous tongue that would speak with satanic anointing against me die. I bind and curse to scatter and die any coven mentioning my name or discussing my matter.

First, I will be satisfied with a long life, and God will show me His salvation. Second, no evil shall befall me, and no plague shall come near my dwelling.

I confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord of life.

Yes, I dwell in the secret place of the Highest and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. My children are learning from the Lord, and great is their peace. He fortifies mightyly with His Spirit dwells in me.

Furthermore, I am rooted and grounded in love. However, I bless my natural enemies and overcome evil with good. You anoint my head with oil, and my cup runs over. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

I bind and rebuke every vampire spirit in the name of Jesus. Oh, earth, open! Swallow every enchantment assigned against my life. I break every Balaam hired curse against my life in the name of Jesus. Lord, I confess that Jesus is my Lord.

Bind and delete every name and person who has called me incorrectly. I break all generational rebellion that would cause me to resist the Holy Spirit. I break all curses of death spoken by people in authority over my nation in the name of Jesus. Hence, I confess that Jesus is the lover of my soul.

Lord, curse my enemies to make mistakes to celebrate me continually, for I confess that Jesus is the Lord. I renounce all pride inherited from my ancestors in the name of Jesus. I break all oaths, vows, and pacts made with the devil by my ancestors in the name of Jesus.

I have the power of God to preach, teach, heal, and cast out devils. Consequently, I can trample upon serpents, scorpions, and all the authority of my enemies. And nothing by any means will happen to me.

I receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. And reign in life through Christ Jesus. I have life, and that more abundantly.

Covens assigned against me scatter.

I confess that Jesus Besides, I walk in the Light as He is in the Light. Likewise, the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. I am the righteousness of God in Christ.

Lord, turn every curse spoken against me into a blessing. I break all curses by agents of Satan spoken against my life in secret in the name of Jesus. I break all written curses that would affect my life in the name of Jesus.

I break every time-released curse that would activate in my life as I grow older in the name of Jesus. Every burden placed on my shoulder is lifted in Jesus’s name. Indeed, I confess that Jesus is the Lord of my life. Therefore, I break all written curses that would affect my life in the name of Jesus.

I break curses of death spoken against both sides of my parents’ house by people from anywhere in the name of Jesus. I rebuke every Witcraft curse and cut Witcraft from their hands with the double-edged sword in the mouth of the Lord. Every yoke is completely broken forever in Jesus’ name.

Meanwhile, I am the head, not the tail. Henceforth, I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and is in writing! Whatsoever I declare will become established in my life.

Today and beyond, the power of confessing Jesus Christ as Lord, the impact of righteous prayers, and the assurance of forgiveness will help me experience God’s favour and find freedom from captivity.

Indeed, God and man favour me. Hence, I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He will turn my captivity. And have compassion upon me. Nevertheless, He will return and gather me from all the nations where the Lord my God has scattered me.



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