Unveiling the Veil The Bible Under Attack, Part 2


Why distribute manipulated Bibles globally?

We know that we need to be unveiling the veil because we are certain the Bible is under attack from its ongoing, constant, perfidious distortion. I concentrated on highlighting the violent attacks against the Bible in Part I (Discover Altered Bible Verses Deceptive Changes in the Bible 1).

Unveiling the Veil
Check your Bible for distorted verses.

Therefore, in Part II, we need to understand why those who should be defending the Bible’s contents are not doing so. Instead, they choose to downplay the enemy’s assault on the word of God.

In summary, these individuals are Bible suppliers and vendors, and church leaders do not want to understand that the Bible is under attack or talk about the matter.

If we forgive the sellers for failing to verify the Bible’s contents, we cannot cover them. We’ve seen Satanic agents attack the Bible for evil purposes to mislead Christians, especially our future generations. We urgently need to be unveiling the veil surrounding the assault on the Bible fast; the enemies of God are not back-pedal.

Moreover, for what purpose? Are they downplaying this plot to undermine Jesus? The word of God? Sin is what separates us from God. It’s damaging, and for the unredeemed, it is damning (Romans 6:23). So, shall we continue in sin so that grace may abound? Paul replies with a resounding “God forbid” (Romans 6:2).

Unveiling the Veil
Children of God – take note.

Or, moreover, shall we lead our kids and future generations to sin by misleading them into misunderstanding God to please our contemporary sinful world? Therefore, we shouldn’t tolerate distorted Bible verses.

Consider Gideons International of Wisconsin, USA, which sends Bibles in more than 108 languages to over 200 nations worldwide.

Defending the Bible’s integrity is our concern.

Can the Gideons also claim ignorance of the deliberate misinterpretations in the Bibles it distributes? Or is it taking for granted the fact that the Bible is under attack from Satanism? Or are they claiming they cannot verify the Bible’s accuracy? We must be unveiling the veil quickly. Period!

The organisation must inform Christians of the Gideon family’s goal. As articulated in 1899, the Gideon family’s goal of “encouraging each other to do the Lord’s work and more” remains relevant today. Yes or No?

If “yes” is the response, given the extent of Bible misinterpretations that are actual and continuous, why is there such silence? Are people not taking seriously the word of God? Who has yet to notice the random distortion of the first chapters of the Genesis book? Why can’t those who distribute the Bible maintain its integrity intact?

Or should we accept anything that we see in the Bible? Then, tell us why they should allow anyone to violate God’s word, which they disseminated throughout the world for a long time. Or are they saying they do not inspect the Bible’s contents after printing?

The questions we are asking Thomas Nelson and Gideons also apply to other Bible retailers and distributors worldwide. I know it’s extra work, but they can make it their duty to inspect a copy of new arrivals from the distributors. Additionally, any manipulations should be reported to the Bible printers, churches, and world Bible organisations. It is everyone’s duty to unveil the veil: the Bible under attack is accurate and actual.

Unveiling the Veil: The Bible Under Attack: Don’t Pervert It?

But how could such reputable organisations distribute the Bible to all corners of the Earth? When they do so, they often fail to align its contents with the truth that has endured throughout generations, which is a significant and unacceptable mistake.

They also often pretend to be unaware of any Scripture violations. Or is it possible that the Holy Spirit has not touched those who have spread the word globally for centuries to detect the evil deeds against the Bible? If the latter is the case, they must do what is necessary.

What should we say about church leaders, evangelists, deacons, and deaconesses? Including religious charlatans, they are all supposed to talk when the mainstay of their income, the Bible, which is the neck that carries the church, is under threat. Or are they afraid of Satan and his demons, whom they associate with?

Why misinterpret the Bible’s scriptures?

  • To mislead Christians, especially future generations.
  • It provides incorrect interpretations of the truths that God intends to communicate to us.

2 Timothy 2:15 tells us, ‘Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved worker who does not need to be ashamed and correctly handles the word of truth.’

Therefore, we must read the Bible verses for what they say, not what we want them to say, because evil is evolving in society. We must know we are serving an unchangeable God. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Do not harden your hearts as rebels.

“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy in this scroll.” Suppose anyone adds anything to them. God will add to the plagues described in this scroll for that person.

If anyone removes words from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away that person’s share in the tree of life. This scroll describes the Holy City (Revelations 22:18–19). But they are not perturbing it but keeping the Bible under attack. Unveiling the veil together is a must.

Unveiling the Veil
Jesus, unveiling the Veil

Christians everywhere must realise that the Bible faces severe opposition from the agents of darkness. Including from Iran and China, where they are writing the Bible that suits the communist party. Agents of Satan want to turn the world into a vile place where doing evil becomes normal.

Indeed, distorting God’s word is a very immoral act before God and man. Unveiling the veil: the Bible under attack is the war. Our Lord Christ is angry.

Indeed, the Bible is under attack from Satanic acolytes and is in dire need of a quick response from Christians to unveil the veil. God’s people must wake up to devise a strategy to defend it. It is our duty as Christians. Period!

Perseverance and persistence are essential in fighting the good fight of faith, especially when the road is complex and the enemy is vile. Let’s join hands in this fight against Satan and his cohorts to unveil the veil.

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