God bless all nations through him.
First, let us examine the historical backdrop around the 7 blessings of Abraham. God’s benediction was bestowed upon Abraham as documented in Genesis 12:1–3: “The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
- I will make you into a great nation,
- and I will bless you;
- I will make your name great,
- and you will be a blessing.
- I will bless those who bless you,
- and whoever curses you, I will curse;
- and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.
No one will get all these 7 blessings of Abraham because they pay tithes. Primarily, God had bestowed these blessings upon Abraham before he met Melchizedek, king of Salem, in Genesis 14. Indeed, the blessing of Abraham finds its ultimate fulfilment in Jesus Christ, the “Seed” of Abraham (Galatians 3:16) and the Redeemer of the world.

However, people raise grievances daily regarding church tithes as they can no longer take the lies they enrich. Now, does tithing make you rich like Abraham and Levi? Discover. Indeed, I haven’t seen anyone who has become a millionaire by paying tithes.
Moreover, the scripture tells us, “When Melchizedek encountered Abraham. Levi, who collects the tenth, was still in his ancestor’s loins. Hence, it proves that Aaron and his sons are priests.
Didn’t they contain the tithe during Abraham’s lifetime? Instead, it was Levi, who was still unborn. That was how Levi paid tithes through Abraham.
Furthermore, tithing is a thing of the past. It started before Christ came to dwell with us on earth.
Abraham wasn’t a Christian.
Therefore, enough of tithing if you belong to Christ. Not only that, you are Abraham’s descendants, his promised heirs. Indeed, you can only become a billionaire through Christ. Jesus paid it all for us on the cross.
Why pay tithes again, Christians? You want the 7 blessings of Abraham, which a sweet-tongue teacher told you. When Jesus has made everything perfect for all time, Christians are holy.
Finally, He paid your debt, including tithes, through one sacrifice. He gave us redemption through His blood and the forgiveness of sins. Equally important are the riches of God’s grace in Christ.
Those pretending to speak for God have willfully abused the truth about tithing. Therefore, kindly stop giving tithes. Many collecting tithes today will burn in hell. Don’t help anyone go to hell by paying tithes.
God’s commands on offerings prosper us, not tithing.
Before paying, ask them if tithing makes them rich, as Abraham and Levi are better.
Indeed, nobody has. And for those collecting, stop it if the Lord calls you to pastor His sheep. Otherwise, you are not obedient to Him. Period!
God demanded the 10% from the Sadducees and Pharisees. Give a clergyperson your tenth if you’re a Pharisee or a Sadducee. Otherwise, you are a Christian. Between the Pentecostal and the denominational churches is the practice of Old Testament tithing.
He is the Lord; obey Him and enjoy the benefits of your obedience. If you give, you receive. That’s the law of nature. That’s the way to receive the 7 blessings of Abraham.
You will receive a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. Will the measure you use be measured unto you? Luke 6:38).
Do not tithe, hoping in vain to receive 7 blessings of Abraham?
The warehouse mentioned in Malach is where Jews brought grain and wine to the temples to store 10% of it. It has nothing to do with the Christian Church. Therefore, pay for levies if you’re of the Judaism set, for Levi paid tithes through Abraham. And Jesus Christ spent it all for us Christians.
Old things have passed away, brethren. Jesus, bride the Church. Christians are believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible does not say anywhere that Jesus or his apostles said you should tithe to obtain the seven blessings of Abraham and get rich.
Does tithing make you rich like Abraham? If not, you are a Christian unless you discover the contrary. Any minister who can’t run a church without tithes has to seek the Lord.

If He indeed called you, His name is Jehovah Jireh. He will manage the Church for you. And if a pastor tells you that you sin by not tithing. Tell him, “Christ took my infirmities and bore my diseases.”
So, you are blessed. Tithing does not enrich but fattens ministers. Being good Christians and obeying Christ are the keys to receiving Abraham’s seven blessings. He only tells you to give, as mentioned above.
In contrast, in the blink of an eye, one can count the millions of pastors, including quacks. Who has amassed wealth ceaselessly collecting tithes from churchgoers? Please remember this: It’s people who go to Church, not vice versa.
So go to the Church, worship, praise the Lord, and give an offering for the atonement for your life. And regularly ask yourself, Does tithing make you rich like Abraham?
Please always enquire before tithing. Enough of tithing; we must always do God’s will. The Lord is God, and His name is Jesus. He will only give us the 7 blessings of Abraham if we obey what He says.