In the beginning was the word


The Word of God is a primary need for every Christian. It was at the beginning of all things, at the origin of Creation itself. We need this Word daily: it acts as a remedy for our various ills, it consoles us, encourages us, corrects us, and strengthens our inner man. It acts as a compass, without it we would risk going astray.

The Word is life and light

It is a privilege for us today to be able to know Christ. Indeed, before we were considered spiritually dead and it is thanks to the Gospel in which we believed that our spiritual eyes were opened. Thanks to it, we are now children of God, we are born again. The Bible says that we have been resurrected with Christ. The first thing the Word does is that it gives us life. It gives us a new identity, the Spirit of God now lives in us.

Then, the Word acts as a light in our lives. Being accustomed to darkness, we need to renew our minds. It enlightens us and allows us to live as God wants. It teaches us, for example, that lying, adultery, fornication, or even slander grieve the Spirit of God. This is why we need the Bible daily to light our steps. It is a lamp to our feet; as we walk in this world, it keeps us from stumbling.

No matter what difficult situations we may encounter, the life and light that is Holy Scripture can help us overcome them.

The Bible is effective in comforting those who are afflicted. Elijah was in despair in the wilderness, God spoke to him and he regained strength.

It can set the captives free, Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” Is it not this truth that has set us free from sin?

She can heal broken hearts. The adulterous woman was humiliated, her fault was known to all. But Jesus said to those who accused him: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” She was rejected by all, but Christ had compassion for her. She is a light to enlighten us.

It is the Word of God that has enlightened us and brought us out of darkness. It prevents us from returning to our old life, it continually renews our intelligence.

The Word is a Weapon

When we speak this Word, by the authority Christ has given us, it has the same power that it has in the mouth of God. The power in the Word does not come from us but from God. That is why the devil is afraid when we remind him of what God has said. If we use this weapon properly, we will walk in victory daily. In the wilderness, Jesus was tempted, but He overcame that temptation by using the sword of the Word. The devil had no choice but to flee from him. That is what the Bible says: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

The Word is the only offensive weapon we have, the others are defensive weapons. That is why we must not neglect this weapon.

The Word is spiritual food

A child who does not eat well will have problems with malnutrition. Many of God’s children have problems with spiritual malnutrition. It is good to go to church, it is good to pray, to fast, but we must accompany all this with meditation on the Bible. Otherwise, we will always remain spiritual babies, dependent on our spiritual leaders (in the wrong way) without ever becoming, much less making disciples.

The Word sets us free

Prayer is powerful, but it has its limits. Some problems will not be solved by prayer, but by knowledge. A person who continually falls back into the same sin or who feels comfortable in sin does not need prayer, but knowledge (knowing who God is, who they are in Christ, how to resist the devil, flee temptation, etc.). We need to be balanced Christians. Fasting is powerful, but it does not always deliver. It is the truth that sets us free (John 8:32). It is not through prayer that we learn to know our identity, but it is through reading the Bible. It is with this knowledge that we are delivered from false reasoning and other strongholds of the enemy.

Let us not neglect this Word, this precious gift from God. We have something that even King Solomon did not have. He had to ask God for wisdom. Today, the Bible has everything we need to be wise.

In the past, the Word was not so easy to find, access was reserved for spiritual leaders. Some inventions like the printer or the internet had not yet seen the light of day for the Bible to be accessible to all. But few of us realize this great privilege that we have and we neglect to read or meditate on the Bible.

There are so many reasons why we should read the Bible and so many benefits that come from the Word of God. One article would not be enough to list the benefits that come from it. However, let us remember that we must consume this food without moderation so that it penetrates deeply.

What is your favorite Bible verse? Share your answer in the comments. We would love to hear from you.


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