The earth, for our nations, is your inheritance.
Joining, we pray for our nation! God of mercy and compassion, bless us. And cause Your face to shine upon us, for we pray for our nation, Oh Lord. We ask that the earth know Your way and salvation among all nations. Father, let the people praise You. Oh Lord, let the nations be glad and sing for joy!
You shall judge the people righteously and govern the countries on earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Besides, for that reason, we run to You today, Oh Lord.
Similarly, bless our sovereignty, for the Lord make it Yours. Indeed, Lord, we urge thee to be our helper and protector in all seasons. Likewise, Lord, give us the wisdom and strength to entreat our nation without season.
Henceforth, God, come, see. And say enough is enough for the great suffering unleashed on your people by evil leaders. Moreover, Father saves the afflicted persons in various parts of the country. For this, we say the prayer for our nation today.
Father, raise the fallen and appear to all the needy. Indeed, Father, feed the people experiencing poverty, the fatherless, orphans, and widows in the nation as we pray for our country.
Thou art worthy to rule our nation, oh Lord.
Oh Lord, heal all that look unto thee, for we cry out for our country to become Yours. As You, Father, raise my nation in Your grace and Holiness. Indeed, Father, rule my nation by Your infinite mercy and remove evil leaders.
Conversely, Lord, bring down all in the nation who go after and serve idols of their making. Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord! Come, Father, bless and save our nation with your power. And Your outstretched arm from d eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood.
Furthermore, I plead for peace in my nation. In addition, Oh Lord, I and every foreigner in my country urge fervently for progress. With hearts full of praise, O Lord, we pray for our nation.
Father, let no anarchy and havoc reign in my country. I ask for your steadfast and unwavering peace for our safety and security. Grant our people perfect peace of mind and a peaceful environment. Father, You’re our people’s confidence; meanwhile, dwell in our mist.
Take the glory, Father; we pray for our nation.
Awake as in the old days, we depend on You. Father, visit my people by morning, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. We supplicate for the peace of Jerusalem. May they prosper who love you. In addition, be within your walls. And prosperity within your palaces.
For the sake of our people. I will now say, “Peace be within you.” May Your finger cast away corrupt and evil leaders from our land and give us Your choice. In unity, we pray for our nation.
Moreover, Lord, as You confuse and confound the diabolic wisdom of the wicked leader in every country. Again, Let the people praise You, O God; Let all the people praise You.
Let my nation praise the Lord for His kindness and truth. Save my nation, O Lord, and send Your prosperity. Let our leaders fall before the Lord, and let my nation serve Him. Every power assigned to kill my country’s destiny must die in the name of Jesus.
Let Your fear, O Lord, descend upon every soul in my country. Let my nation submit to the commands and reign of Christ Jesus. Lord, deliver my nation’s mantle of leadership to the needy, youths, and children in Jesus’ name.
Then the land will yield its increase. Moreover, our own God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him. Thus, we pray for our nation, Oh Lord.